Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obsolence of nation-states.

Many people are commenting on the failure of nation-states and how primary loyalty to nation-states comes from ordinary citizens.

It is apparent that the monied elite, such as bankers, are loyal to their own institution and could care less what happens to the USA or the respective country the banker, or other monied elite, lives in.

As this post by, the excellent thinker, John Robb states:

"Due to excesses (too many to name), legitimacy is rapidly draining from the global financial system and the networked groups that give it their primary loyalty (like Fred above). In recognition of this, nation-states should hold this system at arms length to limit damage to their own legitimacy. Given the constraints on resources faced by nation-states, a plan that would bulk up legitimacy would focus on reorganizing financial institutions (not bailing them out) and repairing the balance sheets of individual citizens (the only group in the chart to the left that is still loyal to nation-states). That isn't happening and the damage incurred from this mistake will be significant."


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